Extended partner meeting

On the 1st of September, at the Eurac Research headquarters, we hosted the extended partner meeting for the PROSLIDE project with representatives from partner and associated partner institutions. The event had the goal of providing an overview of the recent progress developed within the project, offering room for discussion on improvement options and perspectives on the upcoming project stages.

The full-day meeting was carried out in blocks of presentations mainly divided into the regional-scale and catchment-scale results. For the first one, the presented content covered the landslide inventory preparation, rainfall thresholds and prediction surfaces, pixel-based and slope unit-based dynamic modeling of shallow landslide occurrence. The second part covered the study site selection, fieldwork and laboratory analyses, and the physically-based slope stability modeling. The meeting also included presentation blocks in which the plans for the project’s final phase were shared and discussed with the audience.

In the last part of the day, CNR-IRPI gave two presentations on empirical rainfall thresholds for landslide initiation and the Italian (national and regional) Landslide Early Warning System. Lastly, CNR-ISAC presented the RADAR precipitation estimation for debris flow occurrence in South Tyrol.

We thank all our attendees for the very interesting contributions and lively discussions.